The two most important things when creating your website are the content you write about for your niche and the keywords you use to guide people to your site. The tool I use is called Jaaxy. And I love it. It allows me to do many activities within it as shown here.
I have covered niches and keywords in Stairway to Freedom and individually, going into depth to show you how to find the very best keywords for your niche topics and website.
In Let’s Talk about Keywords and Your Niche You Passion, I outlined a basic route to accomplish these. Of course like many routes there are deviations and shortcuts. All I can say is make sure you know these work before you become lost.
I am going to follow the one I use, and enjoy using, and tell you all about it.
Name: Jaaxy
Owners: Carson & Kyle
Overall Rank: 97 out of 100
Product: Researching Remarkable Keywords
Cost: USD
Jaaxy | Premium Monthly |
Non-Premium Monthly |
Premium Yearly |
Non-Premium Yearly |
Starter | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Lite | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Pro | $19 | $49 | $199 | $499 |
Savings | $30 | $300 | ||
Enterprise | $49 | $99 | $499 | $999 |
Savings | $50 | $500 |

Colourful keywords used on a website have attracted many actual visitors from many countries.
What is Jaaxy?
To me, Jaaxy is a way to do intensive and extensive research to find keywords. Keywords that fit naturally into the articles you are writing. You can plunge right in and do every necessary thing with it and more. More being the additional ways Jaaxy can add to your website management. Jaaxy has recently been updated and provides an expansive field of information you can use for your website.
You can also begin your keyword research by starting in the various search engines. I use Google Chrome as my base search engine but also have two other browsers open. This allows me to do three actions at once while flitting around and exploring my keyword options. The browsers I use suggest similar keywords or use a drop down from the search box.
Now why don’t I actually need to do this you might ask? Well, when I joined Wealthy Affiliate, there was a link to a website called Jaaxy. Most likely, like you I tend to get a bit frustrated when I can’t find what I want reasonably quickly. And keyword research can be very much slowly.
Jaaxy fit the bill. And recently Jaaxy has been updated so now it is the bee’s knees. And if you haven’t heard this term it means sweet and good, in fact very good.
Is Jaaxy a Scam?
I can say with 100% conviction that Jaaxy is NOT a scam. I have been using for it for three years and have never been anything but completely happy with it.
When you join up with Wealthy Affiliate, you can try Jaaxy by testing out the free Jaaxy Starter. This is limited to 30 free searches. If you like what you see, then Jaaxy has just introduced Jaaxy Lite. This has unlimited keyword searches and is also free. Lite has an extra feature from Starter, so to me that’s the best place for you to begin your keyword research journey.
For the duration of my time with Jaaxy, the price has not varied. Once you join Wealthy Affiliate or any united program, such as Jaaxy, what you pay initially is locked in for as long as you are a paid up member.
Jaaxy the Great Keyword and Niche Research Tool
When you are signed in to Wealthy Affiliate (WA) and racing along with the ideas for your next article, you need to find a great target guide keyword. I tend to write my quality content before selecting appropriate words to see if they are suitable target keywords. This way these words become a natural fit for the article.
On the WA dashboard you will find Research. This opens up Jaaxy, the Keyword & Niche Tool menu. Yes these two are inseparably interwoven.
This opens the menu of this best keyword researching treasure. Taking a quick glance at the (colourful) menu you can see the variety of actions Jaaxy provides.
I must admit I haven’t used the ‘Affiliate Programs’ yet as I decided on doing only two websites and I already had my affiliates.
It doesn’t mean I won’t use it in the future if I decide to expand that number. From other members, I can see that this will help any of you who want to be prolific website builders.
Jaaxy Step by Step

Determine Your Focus
Once you have determined the focus of your articles you can think of an organic keyword or two. In fact, you might come up with a terrific keyword phrase. When creating my website, which obviously had no content yet I was humming Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Read. Something clicked and my website keyword is Working on the Wildside.
When I searched this phrase Jaaxy gave me the thumbs up. As soon as I settled on this I looked up the available domains, again in Jaaxy and, well holy mackerel, the exact phrase was available in .com (the best).
Please note, from now on I will use the word ‘keyword’ to refer to either a single word or a phrase.
I didn’t hesitate, and neither should you when you find something really suitable. If you like what you see, grab it. If you don’t, by the time you decide to buy it, it might have already sold. Just make sure it is truly what you want your website domain to be called.
Another bonus of obtaining your website domain through WA is that the price is very reasonable, the best I have found, generally $13.99 to buy and the same every year thereafter.
I mentioned above that I write my articles before finding keywords. If you determine a keyword prior to writing, then you might have to force your words to match it. By writing first, you can go through your article and see if you can find good keywords from it. At worst you might have to do a bit of fiddling but a generally a natural keyword will result.
1. Searching for keywords
Let’s get started. Now that you have some keywords up your sleeve you can enter them in Jaaxy in two places. At the top of the menu there is a search box. This brings up keyword results. This is OK if all you want are the keyword statistics.
Or you can go straight to the full report by clicking on Jaaxy Dashboard at the bottom right of the menu. You can then view the full Jaaxy package.
I actually searched ‘keyword search’ and you can see the results below.
What do the search Results Mean?
I have highlighted in a delightful hot purple, the 7 items that are clickable on Jaaxy’s main menu and that can be accessed individually.
The table above is the full report that show all Jaaxy items and the search box where you place your keyword.
Keyword Columns
Here is where the meat of your search lies. The headings are:
- Avg – the average number of searches that the keyword receives per month.
- Traffic – Visits to your website if you achieve first page rankings in the Search Engines
- QSR – Quoted Search Results: the number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact Keyword
- KQI – Keyword Quality Indicator: Green is Great, Yellow is OK, Red is Poor
- SEO – A score based on traffic and competition. The higher the score, the more likely you will rank for this keyword on the first page (scale of 1 – 100, higher = better).
- Domains – Availability of domains that are related to the keyword
When you review the results the best is to find a keyword with a QSR of 100 or less and Avg should show some traffic. Ideally at least 100 but anything from 30 upwards is OK.
Based on these criteria, I would choose ‘Most Popular Keyword Search even though the traffic is a bit low.
2. Site Rank
Now here is where I get the most pleasure. I can actually see how my site ranks in Google. And I am sure you will feel the same way.
It’s a lot easier than searching through pages of Google or other search engines.
The results show that this keyword is ranking No. 2 page 1 on Google, 1 on Bing and Yahoo (this one for a description of an image I used) only a few days after publishing this article.
I can assure you that being makes you feel like jumping up and clicking your heels.
Now if I can do this, you can too with Wealthy Affiliates wide-ranging training.
3. My Keyword Lists
As you are exploring keywords, and finding those you like, you can save them to a list. For a website like this one I save any keyword that might come handy, onto one big list.
This way you end up with loads of keywords that could lead to more articles. The following image is a compilation of two screens. The bottom bit shows you the names of some of my saved lists (my other site is about science fiction and fantasy).
You can see that My Bootcamp Website list currently has 56 saved keywords on it. This will undoubtedly increase as time passes. This is fantastic as with several clicks I can find the full list and see what is available for keyword use. The general rule is one target keyword per article.
Jaaxy Break and a Cup of Coffee
So far you have read all about finding keywords and how your article rates on three search engines. I don’t know about you but I feel like a quick break and a slice of left over Christmas cake.
See you in a few minutes.
Back again.
4. Search Analysis
Jaaxy’s search analysis is something I haven’t used yet as this came out after I searched out my website’s target keyword.
I can certainly see where it would be very beneficial to us as we create keyword rich content. It allows a ‘peek’ at the opposition using the same keyword.
Basically, once you have a keyword, you can plug it into Search Analysis and see what competition you have for that keyword.
You will notice the first item does not match my keyword very precisely (but I do love that song). I believe it should but it might just be teething pains.
Just imagine it does. The details show me 5 statistics.
The word count is right in the area for optimal word number.
It has plenty of links. Linking is something you learn pretty quickly in Wealthy Affiliate. This statistic doesn’t indicate whether these are internal (within your website) or external (to outside websites) links.
But just a note for future reference – Google doesn’t like too many external links.
There are also heaps of backlinks. These are people coming to the site to listen to the song.
Alexa Rank is a rough measure of how popular the site is. This result is 2. Not at all promising. But then just remember that lots of people have posted this song so there is lots of website choice. There are some issues with backlinks but you don’t need to use them. The good ones are self-creating. They come from
people who, for example, visit you site via social media. The others are often spam. The helpful WA members can guide you here.
Adsense is a Google thing (a potential money maker) and many of us don’t use it.
5. Alphabet Soup
I don’t know if this actual soup is still available. If not, I think many of you might remember it. I never arranged the letters and can only assume all were present.
Jaaxy’s alphabet soup keyword search is like the real soup. It searches your keyword, picking up each letter of the alphabet. That way you can widen your potential keywords. Select the desired letter, ie as shown below a, b and c and so on, Words with these letters, either to the front or back of your keyword will be shown.
This results in a very large selection for you to browse and see if anything tickles your fancy.
6. Brainstorm
Brainstorming is a very common technique used to come up with some good and varied information. I used this extensively in my ‘real’ life career. You get a bunch of people together, toss in the initial idea and go from there. It is a method of free-association that often comes up with unexpected directions to proceed along. It often works wonders.
Jaaxy’s brainstorm works on the same principle (without hordes of people).
This image shows you part of my brainstorm results from when I did the Searching for Keywords section.
7. Affiliate Programs
This is the other activity I haven’t yet tried out as I had already obtained my affiliate partners.
What it offers is the opportunity for you to find affiliates who complement your website. For instance if you join Wealthy Affiliate and create a website promoting their training then it is your affiliate.
If you do other niche websites, for instance like my fantasy and science fiction site, you can use this to find associated affiliates. For example, ones that sell books, costumes, games and so on in this field.
Affiliate partners are basically those with a product. This allows you to have an online income when visitors to your site, go through your link to your affiliate and then purchase anything from them. This means any product not just the ones you are discussing on your website. This is wonderful when you are an affiliate of the big ones such as Amazon. (Although Amazon commissions tend to be small, the volume of people buying through them makes the overall commissions quite rewarding.)
8. Niche Keyword Lists
Wealthy Affiliate started as a site that provided keyword lists. Since Jaaxy has been created by the WA owners, we create our own lists.
Recently this item has been added to the Jaaxy menu. It is a feature for WA premium members. Many of us promote Jaaxy via our Wealthy affiliate Reviews. The default list is a number of keywords related to Wealthy Affiliate. This list can be enlarged when new relevant keywords are found.
There is also a button on the bottom left that access your built lists. A quick access process.
Jaaxy Help
There certainly is a great deal of help within Wealthy Affiliate that you can access if you have any questions. Including me!
I haven’t used the formal help button as the training and other members input have given me all the help I have needed.
Jaaxy the Wonder Keyword Finder.
You should now have a pretty good idea of keyword research with Jaaxy.
This keyword tool will set you on your way to a wonderful new life via the internet. You can sign up with Jaaxy for a free 30 Keyword search. This gives you a good idea on whether or not you want to use it.
Why not take a free trial run with both Wealthy Affiliate and Jaaxy to create your successful website.
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Hi Helen, you write very pleasant to read. You can explain very good too.
Thanks for sharing. I also use Jaaxy. It is good!
Mary-Anne thanks for your comment. I must ask are you a member of WA. If so you can contact me via HelenpDoyle. Then we can exchange information.
Yes I agree Jaaxy is great.
A very clear and detailed description of the Jaaxy functions. As we can see in your imagery, Jaaxy provides an excellent platform for searching keywords. There are a number of excellent tools that can enhance your own keyword search and usage. Jaaxy is a very competitive tool with other keyword tools on the market.
Kari, thanks for you nice comment. I am a bit late in responding as I was trying to find a program to improve the image clarity. I have done this somewhat, so now all steam ahead with this website.
Yes Jaaxy is fantastic. I have used it for a few years when working with my other website. It certainly lessens the time needed to find good SEO keywords.
Thanks again.
A great review of the jaaxy program, very well written and a good explaination of all the features jaaxy has to offer, clearly one of the best programs on the WA platform.
John, I am glad to see I have kept my writing skills up. Any issues are due to my keyboard and not me!
You are totally right. Jaaxy is one helpful program. I use it everyday. In fact it has improved layout and accessibility over the last few months.
Nice to hear from you.
Jaaxy is a wonderful keyword to use. There are even some features that you mentioned here that I have not explored yet, so I am glad to have stumbled across your review. There’s so much to do wth Jaaxy that it takes time to go through ALL the features. Loving it since I started using it 8 months ago.
Reyhana, thanks for commenting.
Yes Jaaxy really is the bees knees (now where did that expression come from)! It collects all the information you need to provide really good, quality content. I also like how the owners of this affiliate marketing platform, constantly update it. It gives us greater opportunities to explore and work our articles to greater benefit.
So a love affair with Jaaxy is the way to go. I even hit the jackpot with my site url. I had my site name pretty quickly so checked it out on Jaaxy and a .com was available with the exact same name. Talk about luck.
See you around.