Wealthy Affiliate Review: Create an Independent Lifestyle



Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website:  www.WealthyAffiliate.com 

Price (USD):
Free to Join            $  0
Premium                $19 (First Month Bonus)
Premium                $ 49 (Monthly thereon)
Premium Yearly     $359

Owners: Carson & Kyle (Alphabetically!)
Overall Rank: 97 out of 100
Product: Building an Affiliate Marketing Business

My introduction to Wealthy Affiliate (WA) came when I started looking for a new way to gain an income. I tentatively started researching on the net. I came through my working life in contact with various groups including the media and the local, state and federal governments. I learned very soon not to take anyone or anything at face value, particularly with these groups.

So when I carried out my search I was wary and, before starting, I set myself a very realistic budget. Well you do often hear about how many people are scammed. So much so that I am amazed that people still fall for most scams.

So don’t let them Scam You In!

Firstly I found a company that sounded promising, so I did a scam search on them. Well nothing turned up. I proceeded. I quickly reached my budget without learning anything concrete at all. Just a lot of add-ons that cost! So I canned that website.

I then did a second scam search on that site and found a review. It was a scam – with bells on.

That comprehensive review had been posted by a member of WA.

I went to his website and ‘read all about it’ (the scam site that is). He then went on to discuss WA and mentioned how great they are at teaching web speak. The two things he said that really caught my attention were:

– The first set of lessons (10) were free and I would have a website at the end of them, and

– Money wasn’t going to pour in without hard work.

The first was lovely as I could shop before I bought. The second was so obviously true and so often not stated by other sites. I joined up to do the first set of lessons and before finishing them I decided to pay to go premium. I have never regretted this decision.

A point to note here is that the yearly cost is one dollar less that it was. So the price has basically remained constant for years. And once you are in, the price is Grandfathered.

Now you have sleuthed around and found Working on the Wildside,  you  too can reap the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate.

The Wealthy Affiliate Blueprint

WealthyAffiliate is just what it says. It is a company that trains you to build a website and become an affiliate. You can either promote WA via WA Bootcamp or create a site via the Entrepreneur Certification Courses, to promote other online affiliate partners  such as Amazon. (And there are many of these affiliates out in web land.)

Now I am not going to fully describe the blueprint flow chart however here is a part of our certification course.   Later on I will however set out here the mainframe for the first set of lessons and expand the frame on further posts.

You have two training courses, online entrepreneur certificate and bootcamp, as noted in the first paragraph and the first set of lessons, basically the same for both, are free.

Once you progress on from there, access for free members ceases. Another grand reason to upgrade your membership to capture many more benefits.

Now for the Blueprint, a summarised version of what you will achieve.As with most things the session starts with a general overview of WA and what you will achieve. From there you will learn how to set goals and earn online.
My Personal Wealthy Affiliate Blueprint
At this point you make your decision on upgrading to premium, at a very reasonable cost, or remaining a free member. You will need to consider that the access to certain training is not available for free members.

Learning to Walk the Wild Roads

Following these first lessons, the remainder build on this basis until you have all the ability you need to grow your website and affiliate business. WA is a master at encouraging your learning and also provides a great help network to answer any question you might have. And believe me you will have many.

Your free set of lessons includes the following 10 lessons for the Entrepreneur Certification. The Bootcamp courses are similar.

Not only do the two founders Kyle and Carson respond to your accurately worded queries but the general WA population are able to do so too. You will get answers!

WA is a phenomenal community of like-minded people.

Just remember what I said about the access for free members. Many help platforms are limited in the length of time you can use them. However there are ways and means around this. Just ask me directly if you need help and I can guide you off to members who can help.

Wealthy Affiliates’s Instruments of Wealth

These tools, introduced in the first sets of lessons are expanded as follows.


Without keywords you wouldn’t be searching the web. These are words or phrases you type into the search engine to find specific information. When you are writing content, you will need to find very attractive and magnetic keywords. WA has the perfect tool for this. It is called Jaaxy.


Jaaxy searches the web to get all kinds of information about the words or phrases you are interested in. It shows the average searches per month, visits to website if the website post or page is on Google’s first page, the number of competing websites for the keyword and the SEO.The SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a percentage based on competition and traffic. (Note for those mathematically versed this is not a straight percentage!)

Jaaxy also notes the available domains for that keyword (nice if this keyword is to be the name of your site.) At this point you should have made up your mind on your niche. You can create your independent website or become an Wealthy Affiliate affiliate! The phases to achieve the second are as shown. As you can see it’s a pretty full on set of lessons.

Site Builder and Site Content

This is your template to easily get your website started, step by step, and able to add articles (posts and pages) full of helpful information for potential referrals. Once you collect and enter all the required information the mechanics to build the site works pretty quickly. It does take time to get all the information though, especially if you are totally new to website building.

There are two ways to enter content and edit it.  SiteContent follows the Site Builder. This is a great program that allows you to check spelling and grammar and get hints for better word phrasing. You can come back here to add or edit or you can work from the second method of content entering.

That is WordPress. WordPress has been created for people like me. Those who don’t know how to code, only know some coding or don’t want to code at all. It does have the ability for both kinds of content entry so everyone can be happy.

The advantage of WordPress is this is where you can add your own photos or images. SiteContent also has a plethora of images from free image websites.

Websites and Hosting

As just mentioned Jaaxy will list the available domains for keywords you search. The best is the .com and also noted is .org. WA’s tool here allows you to go directly to buy the domain through WA so it is automatically hosted by them. This is new since I created my first website where I had to pay my domain through a second party.

Note that the domains hosted by WA are a very reasonable cost and that price is locked in for the websites lifetime.

Link Shorteners

Wealthy Affiliate did have it’s own  ‘link shortener’. However they have now incorporated the Word Press Pretty Link plugin. This is remarkably easy to use and, to me, it has two main benefits.

The first is to ‘cloak’ your URLs. Apparently if you don’t do this, unscrupulous people will replace youraffiliate ID with theirs, called hijacking (I wonder why!). Not good for your business.

Secondly it also makes the link much friendlier and tidy. Great for long URLs. This will make your article sound friendlier and encourage those people, who don’t like reading long links or being pestered by those with a product to promote, to visit and read your content!

You know, like those pestering phone sales people who never get the ‘no’ message and turn folks off anything that looks like a sales push.This tool also allows tracking of your traffic.

What Working on the Wildside Future Holds for You?

Well there you have it. My thoughts and information on a great little (actually not so little as there are hundreds of thousands of members!) community. Lots of people to contribute to helping you build your website. There is a Live Chat running constantly where you can ask quick questions and get responses.For example:

The community is lively and helpful and in addition to the fast and furious Live Chat, you have a search bar at the top of the home page. In addition you can send messages directly to the Technical Site Help team. They are good and pretty fast at getting back to you.

Wealthy Affiliate has a great deal to offer you and easy comprehensive training to explain what’s what.  And you get a bonus right from the start.

When you first sign up for the Starter package you get 10 free lessons. Progress through these and by the time you get to the end you will have one or two free SiteRubix websites up and running. If you sign up with for Premium within 7 days more bonuses become available.

The Last Wealthy Affiliate Step

So I really look forward to working with you in the future if you choose to embrace Working on the Wildside so you can wander and work where you want.

If you are interested in being wild and free, so to speak, then take a look at what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer and try out their free lessons.

If you have any questions at all, ask them in the comments below. I will respond as quickly as I can.

Ciao, Good-day and the rest from Helen.

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  1. Hello Helen:
    Interesting review, very honest and appealing. You will surely attract your visitors to join Wealthy Affiliate as Starter Members and some of them as Premium Members.
    Your story is similar to mine about being scammed before joining WA, which I am not planning on leaving. The community is indeed a big plus for their disposition to help or just to let others know about their achievements and success stories, which are so inspiring.
    With my best regards.

    • Eugenio, Fortunately I was prepared for the scammers and caught on very quickly so my loss was only about $150. I read about others who lose thousands. Yuk. I must admit I would have stopped before getting anywhere near $1,000 even if I hadn’t set a limit.

      I have just received a booklet from Australia’s ACCC, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. I am going to do another scam report once I read this. So keep in touch if you want the ‘official’ version of scam.

      The community here is the best. There are a number of people I feel like I have known forever. I met one and we often meet for coffee and a catch up.

      Thanks again.


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