30 responses

  1. slowyarn
    January 19, 2019

    Nice article! For awhile, I taught High School English. One of my passions was to introduce the students to writing for the Internet. I taught the students how to start a blog. Regular writing on it fulfilled some of their writing requirements for the semester. (In other words, it got them out of writing essays they hated.) It’s good for people to read that their blogs can lead to success, both in earning money and in becoming an influencer with their writing. 


    • Helen
      January 19, 2019

      Great, outside the box, idea at really incorporating writing online in your English class. Basically I believe, there is no advantage in not embracing the inevitable internet. All the kids I know here in Tasmania have computers for school and use them in much of their work.

      You sound like a fun teacher. So many students these days, struggle because they don’t like their teachers.

      My English and English literature teacher was a very strict character. But her classes were exciting. She trained as an archeologist. Her husband was a mining engineer who was transferred to the town I lived in. So, although not training in English teaching, she was offered the job of teaching it.

      Well, in English Lit she had worked on digs at many of the places noted in literature. So we all acted them out according to her experiences. One day, she was doing a running sword fight and ended up falling down some stairs! Talk about being an enthusiastic teacher!

      Thanks very much for your lovely comment.



  2. Dhayours
    January 19, 2019

    Interesting. It’s sometimes hard for me to get down constructively what I want to on my blog. I find it easy writing down stuff on paper but when it comes to blogging, I get scared, maybe what I’m going to share is not of use to anyone or maybe they won’t like it. All this gives me many reasons to stop blogging. But you just encouraged me. Thanks 


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Dave, the best way to overcome this fear is to meet it head on and blog away. There are millions of people on the web, so I bet there are thousands (at least) out there who will be interested.

      If you are truly interested in what you write, it will show in your blogs. Your enthusiasm will come through. Also get your friends (a broad section of  them) to read some for you and give you feedback. Listen to what they say and use that to give yourself courage.

      I know you have it in yourself to blog very well.

      Thanks for your comment.



  3. Clement
    January 19, 2019

    Thanks for this informative post. Blogging to me is a way of life. I also wouldn’t support the idea of hosting a blog on a free site as it won’t give you authority over your blog. The best is to have a paid domain. I think consistency and creating useful contents are also required in building a blog. 


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      You said it Clement. It sounds like you have been blogging for a while.

      Having a free blog site really sounds like a bad deal to me. It tends to illustrate that many people blogging this way haven’t done their research and are unaware that all their hard work could be lost.

      No thanks, I don’t want to lose my work and I like being the exclusive owner of my website.

      Thanks for commenting.



  4. Alblue
    January 19, 2019

    Thanks for sharing this information. I love writing since high school and try to look for possible income source by writing something. Becoming freelancer writer is.. not really my thing. In my country, several blogger became very famous and branching to be on celebgram and youtube.

    I personally don’t have the courage to branching out into social media, so I may stick to blogging for a long time. Is it really possible to make blogging as my primary income source? I think I agree with your statement that it will take time and sometimes be discouraging, but I believe working hard and smart can lead to success. Thank you


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      You’re welcome and thanks for your thank you.

      Firstly I must stress that blogging is mainly done on social media so don’t be frightened of going there. Even if you have your own website, one of the main ways of getting out the greater public is posting links to it via social media. So don’t curtail yourself. Millions use social media and there is absolutely no reason not to use it yourself. Be brave and  take the first few steps. One thing about social media is it rarely judges you.

      As you already love writing you are well on your way to successful blogging. Just make sure you are organised in your writings and the steps I  give here should really help you.

      I agree about freelance writing. Often this requires writing from someone else’s viewpoint. When you have your own website you are always writing from your own view point.

      Yes you can make blogging your main income but be prepared to work long and hard to do so. What you can look forward to is once you have done enough work to get your site rolling along almost by itself. Yes you still have to work at it but it is much easier as your visitor numbers grow.

      Set up correctly you can end up with a site producing ‘passive income’. And that’s my next post.



  5. Michele
    January 19, 2019

    Hello – I really enjoyed reading your post about the secrets to creating a really successful blog.  It was very informative and helpful.  I am new to affiliate marketing blogging, so reading this post was very relevant to me.  And I did not now that the term blog originated from website log.  So thank you for that.

    Thank you,



    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Michele, well you certainly reinforced my idea of assumed. Here I am assuming most people, unlike me, knew what Blog came from. I must contain my assumptions until I can back them up!

      I am glad you find this personally relevant. I read about people’s experiences with Affiliate Marketing and find  the most successful ones are those that keep their articles simple and straight forward. It’s sort of like how an athlete trains so much that any of their activities look so easy to do.

      If you have any questions just come back here and ask them.

      Thanks for commenting.



  6. DerrAd
    January 19, 2019

    That’s very comprehensive information and I’ve learnt a lot from your article. First of all, I didn’t know how “blog” came about until reading your post. You said one can monetize blogs through affiliate marketing which makes me curious about how long it takes for one to make consistent income?

    I’m interested in your response to know if I can do this as a lifetime work. Thanks for the info


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Derr, you know the old saying ‘how long is a piece of string’. Well asking how long it takes to make money consistently is very similar to that. I can not answer that definitively.

      It really depends on how much effort you put into your website and how well you research and write. The guidelines I give here will certainly help you but the rest is up to you.

      You have my best encouragement on putting in the right amount of effort and progressing to the income you desire.

      Thanks for your comment.



  7. Michael
    January 19, 2019


    Thank you for this article, I really needed it. Lately I have been finding myself writing overly wordy and complicated posts, and I think I just need to go back to the blogging roots. Writing conversationally and being myself was exactly what I needed to hear. Maybe I missed this part of the post, but how long do you think my average writings should be? I’m thinking about 1000 words sounds sufficient but maybe you have a better idea? 

    Once again Thank you



    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Michael, sometimes I need to rein in too. I try not to be wordy and complicated and usually I succeed. But I have written a couple of 2,000+ posts. I re-edited these a couple of times to make them tighter and more interesting. That worked.

      I did one 3,500 post and took a great big gulp. Way too long for my liking. I repeatedly edited it and finally got it down just below 3,000 words. I then got feedback with some great suggestions on reformatting it again. All I have to do now is bite the bullet and get down to doing that!

      As long as the majority of your articles are 1,000+ words, and they tell the story, that is great. Longer ones are fine as long as you don’t wander around.

      Thanks for your well thought our comment.



  8. Dale
    January 19, 2019

    This is a great article. I have been hearing about blogging for so many years.  I also hear about these super bloggers that do so well that they make their living through blogging.The cool part is you are talking about an opportunity in Wealthy Affiliate that could make you that blogger as well.  It could do that for anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort.Thank you for writing such a great article.  It gives hope to those that are looking for a step by step platform to teach them how to blog.Dale


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Dale, thanks for commenting. I don’t expect I will ever be a super blogger. I think there would be a lot of self pressure to do so.

      I am on a pension (old – or mature age!’) and like to supplement it. Unfortunately, this is a juggling act over here in Tasmania, as the more you make the less our pensions become. Not an issue if one makes significant amounts online, but then our health cover is affected. Catch 22 as is said.

      Also thanks for mentioning the step by step method. I have always been the go to person, for help, in my professional career. Often the help led me  to researching answers. I regularly wrote the steps down as I progressed. My colleagues noticed this and many of my methods became the norm in the branch of State (Australia) for processes. I love doing this and try to continue along this line in my articles.


  9. Janelle
    January 19, 2019

    Great tips for a successful blog!  I got started with an affiliate marketing website over a year ago and wanted to start making money online.  I was ready to put in the time and effort, but was really surprised at how much I love writing blogs.  I have 2 affiliate marketing sites, but also 2 blog sites about things that I just love writing about.  

    If anybody is interested in blogging, I totally recommend it!  And if you host your sites with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll love the wonderful community forum and all the great features.


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Janelle, a lovely pat on the back for Wealthy Affiliate. I was very fortunate to find their website right at the beginning of my search into creating my website.

      I too love writing. My main problem is I have too much to say (well some people do say I talk too much). Because of this organisation of my articles is my main issue. And I am also a bit of a perfectionist. Something else I need to overcome. 

      At least, by the time I publish my articles I am pretty happy with them.

      I would love to read some of your blogs. Look me up at WA, search Helen, so I can follow you and find your websites.

      Thanks for your comment.



  10. Steve
    January 19, 2019

    Hello and thanks so much for writing this article and being willing to give tips on how to increase the success of a blog. I have been using Wealthy Affiliate for over two months now and can honestly say it is a program I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone looking to start an online business. The training is top notch and unlike some other sites, it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get started with them. I do have one question, though. In your opinion, how much does embedding videos into your content help with rankings?


    • Helen
      January 20, 2019

      Videos are a great feature for your website. Those that are able to be embedded, make sure you have no copyright issues. So forge ahead and embed! 

      Videos are one of the keys to include if you find relevant videos to support your blog. As you progress through Wealthy Affiliate you will see  the website educators emphasise the importance of using embedded videos on your site.

      Thanks for your comment.



  11. Scott Payne
    January 19, 2019

    Your article certainly flows very nicely and the information was very helpful.

    There are so many people providing guidelines for blogging these days. And they just don’t know what they are talking about. But you have obviously done your research.

    I have a few questions:

    Are there any guidelines as to the number of words I should have in a section? … or article?

    Where can I find good quality images for my blog? Is Pixabay the only website available?

    Is it a good idea to use proofing tools like Grammarly or Hemingway?

    I am looking forward to reading more on your blog about setting up my own blog.

    All the best,



    • Helen
      January 19, 2019

      Scott, nice comment!

      The general rule for words in an article is 1,000+. However if you can tell your story in less do so. In fact, I have done articles in less and also much more. It really depends on how many words it takes to get your ‘story’ across. Just remember that long posts can lose people’s  attention very quickly unless you structure it to keep them interested. So for goodness sake don’t waffle.

      I tend to use my own photos and Pixabay and, then titivate them using Microsoft Paint! I have always got images I like so haven’t really looked further afield. I did find a link in my colleagues post to a site called Sellfy. I hope this helps you.

      It’s a great idea to use proofing tools. Just remember none are perfect. I write in Word with the grammar/spell check on. So I pick up a lot while I compose. The major fallacy Word has for me is, that it doesn’t pick up where I use the wrong word. I expect this is the same for all of them. My ongoing fight is with you and your. I type so fast the ‘r’ in your often isn’t picked up so I have to reread, just searching for this mistake. Then I transfer my article to Wealthy Affiliate’s content tool where I use that spell check to rescan it.

      Like me, if you do your research and really feel for your subject, your blogging will go very well.

      Thanks for the comment.



  12. Regina N Obi-Okeke
    January 19, 2019

    Hi Helen, I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for explaining what blog means or how it came about. I am old school as well writing pieces here and there and end up losing everything. One of my challenges is making my posts visual and also proofreading it before publishing. It is not in my nature to go over otherwise I may end up deleting without publishing at all because it will never sound or look good to me but if I publish and go back to edit, that gives me the chance of having something out there. I agree with you. Being a blogger is like being a sales person, if the skill and ability is lacking, sales will likely be down. Thanks you for sharing your expertise with us.


    • Helen
      January 19, 2019

      Gina, thanks for your comment. I used to do exactly what you describe. So much so that I ended up making a journal that I carried everywhere. I jotted down headlines so I could remember what I had done. If I couldn’t find what I wanted I still jotted that down. Funnily enough, and often much later, I would be researching something and find the answer to a previous note I had made. A bit disjointed but I did progress.

      Once I publish an article, I reread it the next day and if I find lots of areas that need work I put it back into draft. That way people won’t see it until I finish for the day and republish it. That works for me.

      Being a blogger, especially if you do promote through your blog, is exactly like the old time door to door salesperson. Except less walking exercise!

      Again thanks and lovely to hear from you.



  13. Sam Frederiksen
    January 19, 2019

    Seems like wealthy affiliate is the better option when it comes to blogging. I really don’t like the idea of someone else having control over my blog. Sort of goes against what I believe a blog is.  I like your blog by the way, you been doing it long? you seem like you know what you doing


    • Helen
      January 19, 2019

      Sam, I have been blogging for a few years but still consider myself somewhat of a novice. Too many things to do and so little time to spend on any one thing!

      I certainly agree about the owning your own blog. Even if you are just blogging informally, there is still a lot of work to do including researching. I can’t imagine how I would feel, if I woke up one morning and my blog site was disconnected.

      And the thing is most of the potential website domains I have looked at are very reasonably priced. So owning your own website is NOT expensive at all. My domain costs $15.00 a year. No big deal.

      Good luck and happy working to you if you are currently blogging.



  14. jessie palaypay
    January 19, 2019

    Do you have to be some sort of an English major in order to be a good blogger? You mentioned that you need to have good grammar and spelling when it comes to blogging. 

    I ask because I did not exactly study this as a major in college nor did I major in writing but I do wish to start blogging. 


    • Helen
      January 19, 2019

      Jessie, no you don’t need to be an English major. You need to be a sponge and absorb English by talking to people who are pretty good at it. Generally if you aren’t quite sure about what you have written ask someone else to read your articles and come back and comment on them.

      If they give you feedback (and this shouldn’t be in your comment section – they need to contact you directly) ‘listen’ to what they say. Somewhere along this process you will find someone with language skills.

      Finally, you might be surprised to find you write really well. You might very well already be suitably versed in English. So dive in and start blogging. Have fun and good luck with it.



  15. Olympia
    January 19, 2019

    Hello there. Cool website theme and design. Just looking at your site proves that you know what you are talking about. I’ve had the same habit with my past diaries. I would get one, excited to use it, then a few weeks later, entries become scarce.

    So much information that I can actually understand and use. Great images also!

    I Thank you for emphasizing the grammar points, because I’m always re-reading my content to make sure the grammar is up to par. It’s good to know I’m not wasting my time on that part. Being new at blogging myself, dealing with any critical feedback did cross my mind. I definitely like/agree with your take on it.

    Your article has inspired to get going on my own writing. I actually started reading it late last night and couldn’t finish reading. My last thought was, “I really want to finish reading this article! I know I stumbled across it for a REASON.” SO that is what I did this morning and I am so glad that I did.

    Thank you so much!

    Warm wishes,


    • Helen
      January 21, 2019

      Olympia, I am noted at being anal about my ‘proper’ writing. Things have become so slack these days that if it continues we won’t be able to understand our neighbour’s writings soon! An our educations systems have a lot to answer for.

      Another issue I had with diaries was addresses. I have hitched around a few countries and met so many lovely people. I did write down their names and phone numbers. Just in case I got to their countries. Later when I did arrive I found I had written phone numbers and first names so had no idea who each actually was. I ended up phoning and asking where I might have met them. Embarrassing – YES!

      Don’t worry about feedback, except as a building exercise. I have received feedback that makes my blood boil (very rarely fortunately).I went aware and went back later with a more rational view. And, I managed to read the feedback positively and did get some ideas from it. This is why it is so important to word any feedback, you give, positively.

      I do tend to almost fall asleep at the computer or when reading books, so I get your point of being unable to finish something and stay awake.

      I really appreciate your positive (that word again) comments.



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