4 responses

  1. David (aka Dedo)
    April 24, 2019

    Hello Helen,
    I agree with you that it does take hard work to develop a new skill, although sometimes it doesn’t seem like hard work once the habit kicks in. I remember learning to play squash years ago ( how frustrating), I wanted to be good “quick”. But it took constant practise to keep fit and to condition my body and mind to learn the proper techniques. Most skills take persistant effort and you really “must” want to develop the skills required


    • Helen
      April 25, 2019

      Dave, I remember squash really well. When I started I was hopeless. A couple of the guys decided to figure out why. It turned out my serve stance was several centimetres off. I turned a bit and my serve became a killer.

      Practice, hard work and people’s feedback and comments. All very much needed to gain successful passive income.

      Thanks for your comment and I will see you around the internet traps.



  2. Elaine
    May 2, 2019

    Helen, thanks for all these wonderful ideas of making passive income. Many of them I wouldn’t have thought of. It truly is hard work but if it’s a passion, common sense would say it would be not quite as difficult to write, do research, etc.


    • Helen
      May 13, 2019

      Hey Elaine, sorry for the delay in responding to you. I never got a notice re your comment.

      I wouldn’t have thought of some of these myself but my research revealed them. And I can honestly say I wouldn’t have used many of those. Especially the ones needed a lot of money up front.

      Your site sounds intreging so I might hop over and view it.



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