Digital Prosperity – Training to Sell Digital Products Online



I love browsing around the web to search out great programs for those of us who want to sell digital products online and be responsible only to ourselves. Today I found an affiliate marketing platform, Digital Prosperity that I hadn’t heard of before. Off I went and did some research.

I can say with some positivity that the range of results were pretty narrow but I will present them here. What I will note is that from this narrow range the majority comes from James Francis himself and others within this platform. And this review’s outcomes are my OPINIONS only.

Prosperity Formula 1

Prosperity Formula 1

Product Name: Digital Prosperity (DP)
Website: https://www.digitalprosperity.com/
Owner: James Francis

Price: $27 (one of)
Uploads: Yes.
Unfound yet. The commission tables below will give some idea.

Product: Digital Product Marketing

First of all I listened to the founder’s (James Francis) video introduction. His freebie so to speak. The summary is as follows:

  • The video is introduced as ‘Click here to get ‘Started for Free’. OK free sounds good.
  • The introduction points out how much work James of DP has done to help me make money.
  • In fact, it notes that the founder wants to help all of us. From what he says he doesn’t fare too badly either. My first reaction here is ‘how does he do this’ for such a reasonable price. Well you will find out soon.
  • Finally I get to his ‘Prosperity Formula’. Mr Francis notes this all must be done in harmony. Something I did find here is there seems to be two versions of the Formula: the one from the initial article I opened and the second from the DG link given above. Trying to compare them I do believe they are different explanations of the same things. However that’s an assumption and we all know what that means. So hopefully they are, otherwise we won’t be working in harmony.

Have a Positive Mind Set

Prosperity Formula 2

Prosperity Formula 2

When you set out do any online marketing you need a good positive mind set. Mr Francis notes similar traits to other educators, including the group I belong to. What these are can be found in his Prosperity Formula.

You need:

  • A skill set of Knowledge. This allows you to set and reach your goal.
  • You must find out products, information and services that people believe they Need. This allows you to help by offering choices that meet their demand.
  • An Irresistible Offer
    • By knowing their need you add value by offering the above help.
    • Offering good choices you build up Trust. You can help yourself earn trust by including help for from authorities
  • Traffic – Traffic is everywhere. You must present in an enticing manner to gain as much traffic as you can. Without it you fail!

What is on Offer?

I must admit I did watch a great deal of the introductory video but didn’t get to the end. It became a bit repetitious. If you are interested in this product, I recommend you don’t stop where I did but do hear it through. The main reason I stopped is that I already belong to a group that gives me all I need and a great deal more. More about that later.

One thing I did notice during the video was a new subscriber special countdown. I have never been a fan of these. Even though it notes that it is just for me I expect it just a general countdown that everyone is given, until the special stops. This is a bit too indecisive for me. Note; I have gone back in and looked at the joining form. My countdown had passed but the joining fee was still the same!

Subscriber Special
As I noted for you above, the initial purchase appears to be a $27 one off. I have combed the information and this appears to be the actual cost. The catch is that you will find there are a few upsells but these are optional. They do apparently speed up the progress and improve your results. James does mention the opportunity to purchase them. I must add I have searched for quite a while and can’t find anywhere the price of them.

One thing I did find, likely one of the upsells, was after much reading. DP offers a full package that comprises all steps already done for you. I believe this is where they expect to make money from you. You can potentially expect this to be the pricy part.

In the same image James notes other customers’ comments. Well there was only one. The second was his response. This definitely needs to be expanded to gain trust. I searched pretty thoroughly and couldn’t find many outsiders comments.


Part of my research for information about Digital Prosperity, was via YouTube. What I found was, the words digital prosperity are very common and not necessarily the platform reviewed here.

The other main thing I found was that the information and scant number of reviews were mostly from members only. That is fine if these members are happy with the product.

I did find a couple of other reviews. These are very brief and mainly state there is not enough information (or the information is unknown) to do a comprehensive review.

What is on the Training Platform?

There are 17 modules listed for your information. The full explanation can also be found the Prosperity Formula. The information is a bit convoluted and I suggest you go to the horse’s mouth to read. That way I won’t accidentally represent it.

From my research, I gather the end idea is for you to define and solidify the skills you have within you. I have met so many people who say they can’t think of any skills they have. To not have skills is very rarely true. In fact almost impossible. And those skills are what you use to find your ‘niche’.

The skill you are most comfortable may be able to be made into digital products. That appears to be the main aim of this program. For you to either create your own digital products or possibly to promote DG’s. The first is great as all incoming money comes straight to you. The second is by the use of DG’s program. Well that’s the impression I get. With this choice you get a commission. And DG’s commission structure looks pretty good. The costs to you to achieve higher commissions are likely beyond most people until your business is built up to earn well. 

By the way, the group I belong to does this too via the websites we create for ourselves.

Digital Prosperity Commissions

During my look through their YouTube channel, it appears that setting up ads is one means used here. Is it the only? I don’t know. Why? No available information (maybe because I didn’t join). It was noted that you don’t even need a website to profit. Elsewhere there was a mention of other programs such as websites. DG’s information appears to be a bit wide spread and not concise.

I expect you can build your own website and work through that. But that information wasn’t consistent so I might have missed it.

Is help Available?

DP has a support desk and James appears to answer many himself. The time it takes to get help isn’t apparent as no-one has commented on that.

There is a members’ area where you can ask questions. Who, other than James, answers them is a bit of a mystery.

Digital Prosperity Yes or No

I think it has some good pros. For one, you can pay a one time very low fee to get in and take a look around. If you concentrate on the modules provided you should be able to make this work. But the onus is on yourself. I am actually tempted to do this in conjunction with my main affiliate marketing platform, Wealthy Affiliate. I will be doing a comparison article soon, once I have managed to cut to the heart of the information and present it in a simple concise form. The link will be placed here.

The major cons for me are not finding much information on the help support and the price for me to have the High Ticket Coaching Program. (I have to assume this is part of the program’s upsells!)

Also I found the information all over the place. There was a lot of repetition plus two Prosperity Formulae. As stated above I have made an assumption that these correspond to each other but is that true!

Two Prosperity Formulae

A minor con has just come to my notice. Although I haven’t joined, I am being inundated with emails from Mr Francis. To me that is being too pushy, something that is stated you shouldn’t be!

All in all I believe this is a genuine program As I have stated at the beginning, try it out by going through the $27 package before you commit.

A Little Bit about My Group, Wealthy Affiliate.

I found this affiliate marketing very early in my online investigation. And I am so glad I did. Wealthy Affiliate provides a broad brush training program.

Training is presented by the owners and a great video webinar guy. You can learn to set up websites to both promote this training (and the commissions are terrific) or you can set up your own website niche promoting services, physical products and digital products including your own.

Wealthy Affiliate members also set up training tutorials. These are so helpful as they have recently experienced the way to do things and are in laypersons terms.

The help comes from everywhere. With over 1.4 million members potentially available to help there is always answers for your questions.

Discuss Digital Prosperity & Take a Look at My Chosen One

Since I found information a bit tricky to find I would love people who are Digital Prosperity members to comment on their platform. Let me know what is right, what I might have got wrong or what is new there.

I suggest you might be interested in taking a look at my Wealthy Affiliate Review. If you are interested you can take a free test run’. I believe these two would work well together. Wealthy Affiliate Review






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  1. Hello,
    I realized your difficulty in trying to explain into details what this program offers because of inadequate information. I guess with your experience from your group, you were expecting a lot from them.

    Thanks for taking the pain to share what you gathered about this package. I haven’t heard about them. What I gathered from your review about them doesn’t sound convincing enough for me to take a close look at it.

    • Convincing, maybe – maybe not! I wouldn’t mind looking at the $27 one time price package. However, as you teach yourself how to do all the things in the training I can see it would be very time consuming.

      And I am not going to pay for an upsell that could cost a great deal of money, even though it appears they do all the work for you. What’s the fun in that. And having a website should be fun. The more relaxed we are, the further and better we go with our websites.

      Thanks for your comment.


  2. Thanks for this review. I was just about to purchase Digital Prosperity but thought maybe I was getting scammed, however, now I know that it is legit and definitely worth the price thanks to your review. I’m not interested in paying any money though so I will go with your recommendation the Wealthy Affiliate since they have a free trial. Thanks a lot!

    • Brandon, I don’t think much in life is free but the WA Starter test drive is. It is sure worth looking at as after the Starter phase 1 lessons, (a set of 10) you can have up to four websites up and running. Two siterubix ones with free domains and hosted by WA and 2 domains you can buy (but you don’t have to). WA has a domain service too. The yearly domain price is very reasonable.

      And you can remain free, however you don’t get all the bits and pieces.

      The DG basic package of a one time payment of $27 dollars wouldn’t be too hard to handle though and hand in hand with your WA site would get you up and running with an ad campaign.

      Be prepared for an email onslaught from Mr Francis though. This really irritated me. We have a series of emails to send out from WA but not many and not so often. Personally I don’t like pushy.

      Thanks for your comment.


  3. Excellent content! All you said are very comprehensive, maybe I would try that if I have time.

    • Frankie, thanks. I can tell you this was sure a hard one to crack. You wouldn’t believe the number of areas I had to go through. And with so much repetition picking out the meat was quite time consuming. But I do think the $27 offer sounds pretty good. I don’t think I would go any further though. From the commission rate for the super dooper program it must be pretty pricey.

      And I do like having a full website that can handle ad campaigns and much more.


  4. Hi fellow entrepreneurs,
    I’ve been doing the same research. I’ve started the free Wealthy Affiliate course and learned heaps. I’ve chatted and had pleasant and great advice from the owners Kyle and Carson and gentle support from my mentor Jack. All positive. Plus I can upgrade to Premium for $19 using PayPal.
    Digital Prosperity sounds great too but saying you will refund and or give us a $1000 guarantee doesn’t make me confident when I have to give James Francis my credit card details and there isn’t enough reviews. The pop ups of sales on his promo page are of the same 6 people all the time. Interesting.
    I would love to hear from one person who has bought his course.
    Good hunting.

    • Lily, it looks like we agree. Another thing that drove me nuts was the immediate deluge of emails I received. I eventually blocked them. I hate being hustled.

      As for giving out credit card details, no way. Paypal or nothing.

      I really appreciate your comment and would love it if you pop me another comment if you find someone who did buy the course.


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