I guess the first thing to say, is what is a day in the world of wealthy affiliate?
The best answer for you is, it’s any day of the year that you go into Wealthy Affiliate and have a serious but fun day playing with your website. Some visit for fun. Their website is their relaxation. But how wonderful it is when, all of a sudden they get an income return on their fun.
For others, it is serious business. Even serious should be fun to do. If not, it can be a discouraging business.
A Wealthy Affiliate Day
I am going to tell you a tale about ‘A day in the Life of Wealthy Affiliate’. Well perhaps it started last night for some.
To have serious fun while creating yourself a website, you need to plan. You can’t go where the wind blows or you might end up all at sea.
Well maybe you wanted to go there, but it’s best you control your destination at least somewhat. You can always take forays or detours in other directions and some of these may be fantastic.
Writing out your daily plan is often best done with pen on paper. For me it seems to stick better. I do then transfer it to my computer. This way it is really easy to do a general search if I need to look some past activity up.
Initially this captivating realm can be quite confusing, especially if you haven’t really played around on a computer before.
Although one of the first things you need to do is start either of the two courses WA provides. Before you do that, I again say plan. Your first plan will most likely be quite scant but everyone has to start somewhere and let me tell you, plans grow more and more rapidly. You will get lost without a planning website diary
So your very first item on day 1, will be to set up your free Starter membership. That will be Plan Item 1.
Then follow on by starting either the Certification course or Bootcamp. I suggest you start with the first one.
As you proceed, you will be able to fill in your daily diary with more and more items. If you do this from day one, you will find things more easily fall into place. To get some idea of the path to Independent Lifestyle take a look at my Stairway to Freedom.
The Website Diary
I have always had diaries. I have not always used them! To my detriment of course. I know where I have been and where I am going. Unfortunately many finer details have gone astray along the way. I do lists though and your website diary is a form of these.
If you want to be successful you need to know both where you are going and where you came from. The second one is a learning tool for you to use to improve your path.
So either in the morning, or the previous evening, we write out in our ‘to do’ list, what is planned for the day. Now you shouldn’t set this in concrete but do follow the general stream of activities.
Something else I have found over the years, is, when you do a diary activity that requires a number of steps WRITE these into your diary too. Many times you will do something once in a blue moon. By the time you need it again, you have forgotten, either partially or completely, how to do it! Yes this has happened to me. Make sure you can read your own writing. Another me issue!
Community Communications
Now this article is based on my day and world.
Wealthy Affiliate (WA henceforth) is about communication. Whether it be written as comments between members, articles on your website, sharing on social media or blogs within WA.
If you, like me, check your email first thing in the morning it will soon get to the point that you will be overwhelmed with emails. This is not necessary and you can fix it. I got very frustrated with spending an hour or so going through these. So I figured out how to overcome the issue. Check out my tutorial on this. When you join us here, you can use it to cut down on the problem. And no, you won’t miss anything because these show up in your notifications once you login to WA.
With regard to notifications you will be greeted with a page of them from pals you make. These are the people who follow you and who you follow in return.
There is also a stream of ‘activities’ coming from any contributing member. Some of these will become your pals. Every day I check these out and interact with other members. By doing this I further contact with those I follow and those I have yet to follow.
As you interact, you will be greeted by a flood of folks who want to maintain closer exchanges with you. Every day I read and action a few of these. If I don’t, I really fall behind in welcoming new friends. But most our members have really interesting stories. So you must be wary of focusing all your time doing this.
As is said, time does fly. And many WA members will be signed in at all hours of the day and night.
All I can say is stay in control of your days. Take a break. Eat, drink and breathe. You might want a nap occasionally so you don’t burn out.
Take a Break and Loosen Up
I really need you to remember, that we people thrive on this. Maybe we are all nuts but working hard is the way to success. And a certain flair too!
As you become more in tune with WA’s program you too can thrive. If you want to.
OK, so now I have warmed up the morning it’s time to take some loosening up exercise. The best one is to walk to the coffee maker or kettle and make yourself a nice cuppa (cup of!) coffee or tea. While it’s brewing grab a large glass of water. I keep filled and by my computer. Also, take a walk around the yard or down the street.
If you become as absorbed as I do you will forget to do this and most likely suffer the next day. Fresh mind and body will progress you more rapidly in building your website.
A Wonderful Wealth of Questions Will be Worked Out
Alliteration, what a Wonderful World of language!
Never, ever let yourself be confused over any action or activity in WA. If something stumps you, Seek Help right away.
There are many ways to ask us WA people’s help. Before this, do follow the lessons. A lot of Starter members ask questions that are answered in them. Basically it is important to follow the lesson plan to the finish.
Here are my pointers for asking questions.
- Ask your question clearly. Make sure you say what it is you need help with. And put that most important word first.
- Remember that once you get really involved here you will be very busy. So are we. When we glance through questions, we don’t want to have to dig deep to find out what the problem is. But we really do want to help you. So help us and yourself then we can give you a quick and (hopefully) accurate answer. I expect many people don’t have the time to find out what you want if you don’t say so!
- Once you become a Premium member, you have access to ‘Live Chat’. This is a continuously moving, 24 hour question and chat area. You usually get very quick answers if someone knowledgeable is on line at the same time. If you don’t get an answer ask it again in a little while.
- Also, use the ‘Search for Help’ box at the top of the opening page. Once again, it is extremely important to word your question correctly. Note, if you need a question answering, you can bet your bottom dollar that others before you have also asked your question. You will get answers here. If not there is space at the bottom of the question area, where you can write out your questions.
- Finally, as a Premium member you can ask someone via Private Messaging. Generally I use this to ask people who have shown me they are experienced with website work. Or to provide feedback and answers that are inappropriate to broadcast.
If you don’t get an answer keep asking. Try and reword your question/s.
And the Day Ends
Very quickly:
Plan Your day.
Day 1 of your future life with us will be to set up your (initially free) account with WA
Day 1 will also include starting the Certificate lessons.
Day 2 onwards will be based on:
- What you read in the lessons, websites or WA blogs.
- The emails, notifications and activities you receive.
- The questions you need to ask.
- The questions you can answer for others as you advance; the pay it forward principle.
- The website work you need to do, including pages, posts, formatting.
- And I am sure you will find many more activities based on the above.
Don’t over extend yourself. Make sure you do take regular breaks.
At the end of the day you finish free Starter membership and you decide to continue you can keep on doing it for free. But believe me if you can go Premium, these areas will throw their arms wide and welcome you. You will be forever thankful you did. If you do go Premium within 7 days take a look at what goodies you will get.
I would love to meet you here at Wealthy Affiliate.
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Great suggestion about using a work diary. I started out with loose paper and soon it was papers everywhere and no organization. Now when I want to treat myself I take two booklets that I bought specifically for affiliate marketing and I go to a cafe and transcribe those papers in the books. If I had started with a plan as you suggest I wouldnt have to do this but, live and learn. Or, read and learn cuz you have these good suggestions right here.
Doc, I bet you drink some quantity of coffee too. I always carry a small booklet so I can jot things down. Putting them on the computer is now a good habit I have. I even include outside activities so I don’t get too absorbed here. Well that’s the theory though!
Thanks for your comment. I wrote this as I can see how many people feel absolutely overwhelmed when they join up. They think they can’t do it but I know they can.
Enjoyed your view of a day with Wealthy affiliate, I use a diary as well and find it very useful for notes or idea’s. I also agree that planning is essential as there is more to creating a website, getting content done , helping others along the way, dealing with social media all these aspects take time and that is without doing the ongoing training, but it is fun and challenging, the community are very interactive and after four years of being part of Wealthy Affiliate I sure can see all the benefits, for those just joining it can be very overwhelming with the amount of information. So your tips are helpful, get started on the training, get the tasks done and as you gain more experience then you can take your learning to a new level.
Hi Katie, nice to see you today. Thanks for the lovely comment. I see we have similar opinions on how to create a successful website. I have noticed you are very interactive among WA and I love Saturday mornings when we can have a quick (if you catch it) hello on Live Chat. What a great way to ask and have answered questions. Too bad you have to be as fast as Usain Bolt to actually get comments to the right person!
Hi Katie, nice to see you today. Thanks for the lovely comment. I see we have similar opinions on how to create a successful website. I have noticed you are very interactive among WA and I love Saturday mornings when we can have a quick (if you catch it) hello on Live Chat. What a great way to ask and have answered questions. Too bad you have to be as fast as Usain Bolt to actually get comments to the right person!
Once i started building my website and writing, i worked really hard every day for hours and hours, and one day i just had to stop, because i was exhausted of this. Took a month brake and now i’m working on my website slowly, with schedule that doesn’t ruin my health, so yeah as you said taking a break is important. Thanks for the article.
If you do this schedule and keep updating it you will end up going places. I had to chuckle though. Yep a brake would certainly slow you down; to a stop if you wanted to. But a break following the stop sounds wonderful.
Thanks for you comment and I hope all goes well for you.
If you do this schedule and keep updating it you will end up going places. I had to chuckle though. Yep a brake would certainly slow you down; to a stop if you wanted to. But a break following the stop sounds wonderful.
Thanks for you comment and I hope all goes well for you.
Hi Helen! “Working on the Wildside” tells a wonderful tale of success through your eyes! I love the personal touch you have with your readers! As an author myself, I can appreciate that!
Your information is explicit and ranges from start to finish in learning all there is to know about Wealthy Affiliate and the road to progress. Great thought-out site!
WA has truly changed my life and has enhanced my learning and my ability to excel. I owe so much to this unique opportunity, and will always be grateful for the success.
Thanks for your lovely comment Erin. What you have said is just what I am trying to achieve so it’s nice to know you think it is.
Yes WA is an unique and, with hard work, successful opportunity. Like you I am so happy I found it.
Thanks for your visit and see you around again.
Thanks for your lovely comment Erin. What you have said is just what I am trying to achieve so it’s nice to know you think it is.
Yes WA is an unique and, with hard work, successful opportunity. Like you I am so happy I found it.
Thanks for your visit and see you around again.
Hi Helen, I have been in wealthy affiliate for some time now and my journey is super different to yours!
I can say for sure that yours is way more interesting though haha!
How’s your website(s) going though, you didn’t seem to mention much about them? Would really like to know more about it as you are a very experienced member in WA!
Fern, why don’t you take a look around this site using the link above, http://workingonthewildside.co…
I haven’t been working on the other site for a while as I am in the middle of building my strawbale house. Will try and get back to it soon. It is under Science Fiction Addition, https://fantasy-sci-fi-vision….
Thanks for this comment. I don’t know how experienced I am but I like to know things so I really research the how to do’s.
Let me know your website link so I can visit your site.
Fern, why don’t you take a look around this site using the link above, http://workingonthewildside.co…
I haven’t been working on the other site for a while as I am in the middle of building my strawbale house. Will try and get back to it soon. It is under Science Fiction Addition, https://fantasy-sci-fi-vision….
Thanks for this comment. I don’t know how experienced I am but I like to know things so I really research the how to do’s.
Let me know your website link so I can visit your site.
Thanks for your lovely comment Erin. What you have said is just what I am trying to achieve so it’s nice to know you think it is.
Yes WA is an unique and, with hard work, successful opportunity. Like you I am so happy I found it.
Thanks for your visit and see you around again.
I am guilty of not writing down my tasks with pen and paper. I usually plan the day beforehand in my head but, recently, I tend to not follow the plan. I know what I should do but I don’t do it regularly. I have come to realize that relaxing and taking breaks is great but we must not overdo it. Sometimes the best way to get going is to kick yourself in the **** and start working again. And yes, Wealthy Affiliate provides you all the necessary tools for success but you have to put in the work.
Hey John, nice to here from you and thanks for commenting.
I think planning the day is the hardest part here. I have always been a tracker of interesting information. So I frequently have to slap myself on the hand and say Stop It. Relaxing is the same as any other activity. That almost rigidly has to be enforced for me. As is drinking water. I use the urge to get another glass to time my breaks. It sort of works.
So to both you and me, back to the grindstones. But at least they are our OWN personal grindstones and can move at our own rate.
Hey John, nice to here from you and thanks for commenting.
I think planning the day is the hardest part here. I have always been a tracker of interesting information. So I frequently have to slap myself on the hand and say Stop It. Relaxing is the same as any other activity. That almost rigidly has to be enforced for me. As is drinking water. I use the urge to get another glass to time my breaks. It sort of works.
So to both you and me, back to the grindstones. But at least they are our OWN personal grindstones and can move at our own rate.
Hi Helen; I have read your dynamic written style post. Truly Helen, Your writing style is a fun to read.
The Plan or dairy should not be forgotten at any given time, it will serve its purpose as a source of memory.
The enjoyable interaction and training at Wealthy Affiliate is second to none that is found on planet earth. All of us who have gone through the training can by far attest to that.
Would you suggest to every member of WA to become a promoter of WA, as a product?
Dorcas, I do have to watch my writing style as some people think I am being flippant. I can assure you that I am not. The way I write was inherited from my dad!
I think you might mean diary should always be at hand. I myself keep wanting to type dairy, but I don’t think milk cows carry them. :>)
And you are so right about the interaction. As we must help our readers feel comfortable and important, the WA community makes us feel the same way.
As for promoting WA, I myself started with a fantasy and science fiction website. I felt I wanted to experiment before going deeper. Actually it was just before the challenge was announced that I had already decided to do a WA promotion site.
So no, I won’t suggest that everyone do it. It’s a personal choice. However even if someone doesn’t want to promote it, the training is appropriate for any site and the benefits roll on to any website. So everyone should go for both sets of training.
Thanks for your nice comment. See you around.
Thank for this encouraging blog about WA. I needed this information right about now because it encouraged me to continue to set long term plans.
I know people always say that but you made the process really easy by > Writing out a daily plan. This may seem obvious to some but you made it easier first by recommending a certification course and then digging down to creating a To-do list.
I minimized the value of communicating with the on-line community, forgetting the benefits of staying connected, whether to answer questions or get feedback.
Lastly, the need to follow the lessons as they are laid out. It’s clear questions will come, but I still need to be specific. i heartily appreciate your encouraging recommendations.
Christian, and thanks for your thanks!
I have found if I don’t set some long term plans I never get anywhere. With them, no matter where I wander, I do return and continue on towards my goal.
I hope this post helps you gain your goal. If you ever have any questions just ask me.
Hi Helen,
Excellent review of Wealthy Affiliate. I agree that it is incredibly beneficial to go through the training with a form of structure, be it your suggested daily diary schedule or another form. Bottom line is, pick a structured plan and stick to it- especially if you are a starter member. if you want to get the most out of your membership it is critical to go in with a plan and sticking to it and always, always ask for help when you need it. I’m curious, what would you say is your favorite feature Wealthy Affiliate offers, Premium or for everyone – doesn’t matter. 🙂
Dev, thanks for your comment. I believe if you create a structured plan as a starter and use it through the training, the plan becomes almost ingrained. This means it is almost automatic to use it. Sometimes it is necessary to modify it but that isn’t hard to do.
My favourite feature is actually pretty hard to define as everything meshes together nicely. I guess it is the ease of communication between everyone. Not only members but in the manner lessons are presented.
Premium members do have the advantage here of more extensive communication allowances. I don’t know if this is much of a hindrance as I went Premium almost immediately. And I have never regretted that.
Hi Helen,
Excellent review of Wealthy Affiliate. I agree that it is incredibly beneficial to go through the training with a form of structure, be it your suggested daily diary schedule or another form. Bottom line is, pick a structured plan and stick to it- especially if you are a starter member. if you want to get the most out of your membership it is critical to go in with a plan and sticking to it and always, always ask for help when you need it. I’m curious, what would you say is your favorite feature Wealthy Affiliate offers, Premium or for everyone – doesn’t matter.
What a great post on what’s going on at Wealthy Affiliate.
I sure agree with you that you better be having some degree of fun with any online business. If not, it quickly becomes overload and it won’t be long before you shut down completely.
Even though I’ve been around the internet for several years, I must admit I’ve never taken the time to journal my days. I think you have inspired me to do that as I can see a lot of benefits including seeing yesterday and knowing how to plan tomorrow.
And before I go, I must ask: Are you making those images yourself? They are so great. Thanks
Mike thanks for your comment. Yes I do make up a lot of my images. Loes showed me how to do ‘stick’ figures in Paint. Mostly using the circle and squiggly line. I often incorporate a Pixabay image too. I just can’t leave things alone. I like to be an individual!
I also try to approach things in a fun manner. After all why be alive if you aren’t really alive.
I find journaling quite hard actually. If it’s important work related stuff I manage but a lot of interesting day to day things go by the wayside. Then I really have to did deep to remember them. And a lot are quite humorous.
To me one big problem in the world today is so many people disregard history. The result is that not only good is repeated but a lot of really bad things. We need the past to make the future better. It sure isn’t happening that way these days.
Thanks again.
What a great post on what’s going on at Wealthy Affiliate.
I sure agree with you that you better be having some degree of fun with any online business. If not, it quickly becomes overload and it won’t be long before you shut down completely.
Even though I’ve been around the internet for several years, I must admit I’ve never taken the time to journal my days. I think you have inspired me to do that as I can see a lot of benefits including seeing yesterday and knowing how to plan tomorrow.
And before I go, I must ask: Are you making those images yourself? They are so great. Thanks
Mike thanks for your comment. Yes I do make up a lot of my images. Loes showed me how to do ‘stick’ figures in Paint. Mostly using the circle and squiggly line. I often incorporate a Pixabay image too. I just can’t leave things alone. I like to be an individual!
I also try to approach things in a fun manner. After all why be alive if you aren’t really alive.
I find journaling quite hard actually. If it’s important work related stuff I manage but a lot of interesting day to day things go by the wayside. Then I really have to did deep to remember them. And a lot are quite humorous.
To me one big problem in the world today is so many people disregard history. The result is that not only good is repeated but a lot of really bad things. We need the past to make the future better. It sure isn’t happening that way these days.
Thanks again.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for sharing this post. As a WA member myself, this stuff is gold. I’ve seen a lot of people that are wandering around a bit aimlessly in the WA Community space so couldn’t agree more on having a plan or plan to fail. Keep up the great posts!
James, nice to see you here. I too have noticed the aimless wandering.
So many join up and immediately ask for help in doing a website. They don’t have to ask for help as WA provides it from the time they start. I get the feeling a lot want something for nothing. And hard working members, while quite willing to help others, do have their own site to manage.
I expect these people need to learn how to set a goal plan so as to get started.
The free lessons show this.
Thanks for your comment.
I agree with you one hundred percent on wealthy affiliate, I joined early last year without any prior knowledge in affiliate marketing and wallah this one has changed my life and my business is simply working out. The support of the community has played the highest role and for that I will forever be grateful. I would recommend this to anyone out there especially the beginners.
Thanks Dave, I love agreeable people!
I was fortunate as I knew how to maniputate the computer and use a lot of online stuff. I had not thought of doing my own websites though.
Wealthy Affiliate was an accidental find. I now have two sites and am eternally grateful I found it.
Hi Helen!
I believe I behave similarly as you do. Unfortunately, I very often find myself sitting ours in front of my computer and forget to make pauses.
It would be better to keep your advice in mind and take more breaks and go for a walk in the yard.
I lack making pauses disciplined.
A diary is nothing that I am in favor. I have tried it very often, but it does not work for me. Many times I write down ideas using a sticky on my computer. Otherwise I would also forget to take action later on.
Do you think it makes sense to do the most critical tasks at the beginning of the day? I read that once, and to me it makes sense because we are more focused in the morning.
Have a nice day
Johann, don’t make the diary an issue. Even post it notes are a form of diary. Just make sure the sticky holds until you have finished that task! I use them too. However I have always had a diary. I got so many tasks to do in my former work that my work area looked like a sticky note festival.
Over the years I have had to do a lot of researching. Many times, much later, I came across the same research topic. And I can’t remember how I did it.
So I often write down, step by step, how I research and save the information in a folder. That has often come in handy and has also allowed me to help many people who have had trouble figuring out how to do something.
I also, like you prioritise the day’s work. You are right about that for sure. The focus issue might be debated as yes, the morning is usually best but a lot of people are not morning focused so they might work differently.
Thanks for your well thought out ideas.
Hi, this was wonderful reading about a day in the world of Wealthy Affiliate.
I’ve been here for a year now and still am excited every morning continuing with training and interacting with the community.
It’s so satisfying to work as a free writer anywhere in the world.
My days start with responding to my notifications, just to wake up a bit.
Next, I check if I have any comments on my website and reply, to get into the writing mode.
After my second cafe, I start writing a new article, blog.
By lunchtime, I’m often done and enjoy the rest of the day with my family or going shopping etc.
All the best, Stefan
Ah Stefan, that’s the life and thanks for your comment. I am a bit plebian with my wake up exercises. I do some number and word puzzles. That gets the old (literally) braincells going.
I find myself following your style a bit. Following my wakeup, I go through my notifications and the activity section to see what’s new and read through followers’ comments and requests. I can’t answer everything (at least not until the day manages to gain some more hours!) so limit myself to those people I can help. I find that very rewarding.
I am glad you review your comments. Responding to them is very important with website ranking as it adds content for Google and other search engines to get rapturous over.
Then the research and writing takes over. Several breaks over the day are filled with coffee and looking at the views. As I said to you, this is the life.
Thanks again and see you around.
Hi, Helen. I’ve been with WA for a year now, and still your post hits home. You do have to have a plan and you do need to keep records. I’ve tried diaries before, I call them journals but it’s the same thing, but I have never been able to keep one going. What’s your secret for writing a diary?
Grant, I would like to say I am very organised but in fact my method of entering diary information is to place my hard copy of the diary on the floor in front of my computer. This way I trip over it on my way to my chair. A rather trivial but effective method of bringing it to mind!
I don’t fret too much if I miss a day here and there as I tend to take notes of what I am doing, when I am doing it. I supposed this acts as more of a journel, ie fuller explanations of what I am doing.
Possibly placing a diary (or reminder of your online diary) on your keyboard would work. I do operate with both types of diary.
Thanks very much for you very nice comment.