Search Engines and What They do.
The Wealthy Affiliate (WA) program trains you in SEO for your website from the word go. That’s one of the many reasons I love WA.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) assembles a great deal of information on internet usage. Information such as:
- Which search engines and how often they are used.
- What is searched
- And, just in general, how SEO works.
To do this they have little feelers out everywhere. Known as ‘spiderbots’ or ‘crawlers’ they creep into websites via the internet linking system. Whenever you do a link on your website, these little spiders will be seeking out various bits of information. This information is stored in an absolutely huge number of computers.
When you enter a search term, the information you want is very rapidly retrieved. The results are provided to you in the various websites that come up with your search.
You know how fast search results comes up. What a great little working system.
What is Search Engine Optimisation?
Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as it is affectionately known is one action you really need to use when you create your website articles. SEO is a directional enticement to draw visitors to your site. This works because Google loves good quality content that has been optimised.
With good SEO, your site will gain more visitors. This will result in higher ranking on the search engines and move your website and contained articles further up towards page 1; your goal.
Find Great Keywords
What I do and suggest you think about, is writing your quality article first. Then go through it and pick out really good potential keywords that help with SEO. Start with Jaaxy and follow the information in that article about finding good keywords with respect to QSR, traffic and SEO. This brings in SEO.
With any luck, when you write your About the Site article, your favourite chosen target keyword , and most suitable, will be available as your new domain. If so, buy it right away. If this doesn’t happen look for a new favourite. Start by trying variations on the original favourite.
Don’t overuse any keywords. Let’s Talk about Keywords gives you some great guidelines on usage. Don’t forget every word you use is a keyword or keyword phrase. When you write naturally you won’t tend to overuse any of them.
Good SEO with Organic Writing
Writing naturally is what you are aiming for. As Google loves quality content, your article will attract visitors in the ‘organic’ way. It embodies the unpaid traffic section of the search engine page. These are websites that don’t pay a fee to appear at the top of search pages. So if you use good SEO, you don’t have to pay to get on page 1 of Google.
Quality, well SEO’ed articles lead towards you becoming an authority site. When you attain this Google moves you up in the rankings.
And when it works you become visible on the internet. That is our objective.
What you are aiming at in your writing is to make sure your site is search engine friendly. You want to use words that people use and so help Google (read all search engines) find your site. But remember you are writing for your visitors. That’s why it needs to be natural.
And make no mistake, poor SEO will help hide your website from search engines.
Here at Wealthy Affiliate you will be show how to write and incorporate good SEO and keep those little spider bots happy. Believe me it works. Recently I had a page on Google page 1 almost as soon as I submitted to Google. So Wealthy Affiliate training really works.
How do you Accomplish all this?
You can go to Wealthy Affiliate and sign up to their Starter Membership. You will get a set of 10 free lessons and will end up with an SEO proof website.
If you are like me, the decision to join us as a Premium member will occur sometime within that the 7 day trial run. Becoming Premium with Wealthy Affiliate opens a huge gate for you to enter and become website proficient.
You can remain a free member but you don’t get access to a lot of activities. There is an abundance of these activities that will really get you going on your website journey. Premium is the way to go and hopefully I will meet you there.
Information on joining us can be read on my Wealthy Affiliate Review. If you like what you see you can sign up on the same review page.
For more about quality content why don’t you hop over to my How to Create Great Content post.
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What a clear, simple and straightforward guide to SEO Helen. I am sure this will be quite useful for all of us who are writing posts and pages within our websites. Thank you for your insightful post.
I really like the layout of your website my friend.
Thanks Eugenio for your nice comments. I find the theory at WA pretty easy as it is so well laid out. And I am used to using theory.
As for my layout again thanks. It is still a work in progress and, if my other website is any indication, it will continue to be.