I was just browsing the web the other day and came across a business trainer that sounded different. Their website is called The Selling Family. No it is not about a family called Selling. It is all about 1 family who have made a great living out of Amazon sales and are now extremely financially independent. This family is passing on how they did this to people who want to do the same thing. The great thing is the training can extend out to train about any niche site others want to follow.
From what I have read, both the selling family reviews done by others and what the family writes about itself, I believe this family is extremely legitimate and very good at explaining how they got to where they are.
What I like about The Selling Family is how it is a good match with the group I belong to. So much so that I myself might also join this sometime in the future.
For instance Jessica, the young matriarch of the trio, talks about being organised, working hard, investing into the business and giving the system time to work. In other words it is not a get rich quick scheme. You might be lucky and some are, but give it time to work. Don’t walk away just before it starts earning you money. If you think it is not working, have a chat with Jessica. I hear she is extremely approachable.
Before I go on I need to tell you that this is directed towards the USA trade. We now have an Amazon outlet in Australia. It now has the same menu as the USA one and I would suggest this site will help Australians too. I can’t speak for other countries but Amazon is a big business so the chances are good this training will help everyone.
Product Name: The Selling Family
Owners: Jessica & Cliff Larrew
Price :
Website: thesellingfamily.com (Free 7 days Email Course)
Rating: 85/100
I will say right here that when researching review of this family, and yes it is a real family, I found a variety of fees. What I give here is from their website so should be current.
The free training course is a perfect place to start your journey.
Jessica’s Amazon Training
Jessica’s product is about Amazon although I imagine the tips, website insights and training are also applicable to other niche sites.
What she teaches is broken into three options. Amazon offers an affiliate program. With this you learn how to promote Amazon products via your Amazon affiliate link. Then when you sell you get a commission. Just like the door to door sales representatives in the ‘good old days’. This entails less exercise though! Except with your brain.
Many people have their own products. Jessica has a program to train you how to sell your own products on Amazon. If I had my own product, I would be doing this option.
Keeping with products, there is also the possibility of buying discontinued, on sale or bulk items and selling them on via Amazon. Considering the number of people doing this it looks like the most popular way to earn. You will need some money so you can stock up prior to starting. Jessica suggests at least $500 but $1,000 is better.
With the second two options, once you have the product you ship it to the nearest Amazon fulfillment centres and they do the rest of the work. Now that in itself is a great draw card! Check out Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (fba).
Fba allows you to sell products through the Amazon platform.
After that, they will do the packing, advertising, order processing and shipping of individual items. Can you imagine how much time you save by skipping all the individual orders?
All three are potential earners. Unless you have your own product, I anticipate that on selling is the best money earner. But you will have to be on the look-out for good deals. Jessica suggests you join as a professional seller. Check out Amazon’s information re individual and professional seller accounts.
Product Options
You will also be able to expand all your sales even if they are not through Amazon.
Jessica will also educate you on how to buy and sell low cost items. She has many eBooks and programs with the approximate price range of $20 to $70, This is where your cost will be added to.
- The Selling Family offers a ton of pros. I have listed some of these and I am sure there are others I haven’t yet isolated.
- There is loads of free content. I have had a thorough look around their website and read quite a bit of the information accessible without joining (not yet anyway). The information is presented in easy step by step format and on videos that are understandable. Jessica and sometimes her husband, Cliff, do a good set of blogs too. An example of Jessica’s work can be viewed if you click on the image.
- The lessons and videos guide you through training and if you have any questions just shoot them off to Jessica. You can also get support via their Face Book Page.
- For people who want to operate a shop to sell either their own products or resell other’s products this is a really good place to learn. You can also learn how to profit from being an Amazon Affiliate, earning commissions on their products.
Once you purchase your products or have your own products and get them to the fulfillment centres, Amazon does the rest.
I couldn’t find a summary of the three options to what was offered. This makes it hard for you to select the one for you.
If you don’t have your own product you need to source ones that offer you a nice earning per item.
The prices for the options are very reasonable but you have to have a ‘petty cash’ fund to buy your first on-sell products and then maintain a kitty for future purchases.
Some more in depth reviews would be nice too check out what I have discovered.
The Selling Family Roundup.
This program is far from a scam. In fact, it’s one of the better ones I have read about. Although it is based around Amazon, nothing wrong with that as many have made money this way, I found a group that I really fit into and like. And all either for a limited free version or a very reasonable and premium membership cost. This cost is locked in for the future too.
I have prepared a table with what is offered by both The Selling Family and Wealthy Affiliate (my favourite platform). This is condensed information of some important offers.
The Selling Family | Wealthy Affiliate | |
Training | Yes | Yes |
Prices | $167 for 6 months or $797 One time Payment |
$49 per month or $359 per year |
Free Content | Yes | Yes |
Support | Yes | Yes |
Training | 85/100 | 95/100 |
Overall Rating | ![]() |
![]() |
One great thing about Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is that the one price you pay, either monthly or yearly, includes everything including website hosting if you buy your domain through WA. As per the norm you pay yearly for that domain but it is very inexpensive.
On the other hand you don’t need to upgrade and pay a fee on WA. But the free option, as you can expect, hasn’t as many tools available.
Now if I was starting again I would would most certainly still join WA. But most likely I would do a duet with The Selling Family to learn about earning on Amazon. If you do this or go for The Family alone make sure you try the 7-day free email course before you buy any inventory.
If I have tempted you to join the most friendly and supportive Wealthy Affiliate why not take a look at my WA Review.

I am quite glad to hear the selling family is a legitimate program. There are way too many scams on the internet these days. Take it from me, you do not want to learn about a program the hard way. That is no good for you or your wallet.
As a Wealthy Affiliate member, I can tell you it is just a splendid program. The community really comes alive and all you need to know is how to write. That’s it! Everything else you can learn on your own.
I would say the community at WA really sets it apart from everyone else. If you have a question, multiple people will jump on into the fray to make sure you get the help you need. It is the Facebook of affiliate marketing schools.
Thank you for sharing and I hope you make it a great day!
Unfortunately you are correct about the too many scams. Both for the impact on people but also on the legitimate programs that really can help us. Fortunately I didn’t get stuck in this trap. I tested one site but set a low budget. That went extremely quickly as the upsells started immediately. With Wealthy Affiliate, they don’t need them. Yes you can purchase a few additional bits BUT you don’t have to, to create a successful business website although these bits certainly help. What more can we ask for.
Help is always readily available. One thing I have noticed, is that some answers really aren’t the best ones. However, we get so many that the answer will be in there somewhere. A good challenge to compare answers.
Your comment is much appreciated.
Have a great website day.