What is Your Place in the World?

Let Wealthy Affiliate help you to your place in the world.

First of all you need to define what place is for you. Are you happy with where you are now? Are you unhappy but want to stay and not take chances on changes?

Or do you feel like starting out fresh with a new enterprise

My advice is, don’t remain unhappy. Look at alternative jobs, location and lifestyle. There are in fact many and with the right attitude you can slide into new areas with aplomb. Never, ever be afraid to face new challenges. You will surprise yourself on how well you will do this.

I guess it’s because of the way I grew up, with our family moving around every couple of years based on my father’s work. When I left home I packed up the day after graduating from high school and I was off.

Let me tell you, the good times have immensely outweighed the bad. And the bad often became good as I became acclimatised to where I was and what I was doing. I often knew no-one when I moved but boy did I meet them fast. I made an effort to do so.

You Can Work Anywhere Successfully

Working online is a wonderful option. You save on so many items. Petrol (gas), vehicle depreciation, your time, your work restrictions to name but a few. Also, you can write many expenses off on your tax.

You won’t get frustrated by traffic, unless it’s your choice to brave the city life.

And don’t kid yourself. Your time is very valuable so use it for yourself.

The best thing about time is you set your own work periods. Me, I like working early in the morning and later in the evening. I guess I never did figure out if I am an early bird or night owl!

Working online as an affiliate marketer, you are working for yourself. If you set yourself up correctly, you will be helping people to find what they want in life. By doing this you will start earning money.

In addition, when you become well versed in this field you can actually contract out your time and make a pretty decent online living.

Work Anywhere in the World

When I say this you will need to make sure it’s a safe place to do so. Now-a-days you can’t leave safety to chance.

Even though I have only started working online in the last couple of years I have worked in many places.

In Canada, I cleaned salmon in northern British Columbia and was a sales person in several small cities and towns.

I developed and checked photos in Vancouver. In the old days this wasn’t an automated activity. I must say the photo quality, when done correctly, was much better than most modern cameras.

I worked with quarter horses outside Vancouver and I was in pollution control with a large mining company. By the way this company is considered outstanding with its environmental efforts.

Then I jumped on a ship and subsequently have worked around Australia and New Zealand. I upgraded to become a Civil Engineer. That allowed me to widen my work potential.

So you can see I have never let the fear of new places and activities deter me.

You too can do this. Probably to a different extent but you will find it interesting.

Now don’t worry about the family. Grownups can easily get on a jet to visit you or vice versa. As for youngsters, they shouldn’t get set in their ways at such a young age!

Where am I Working Now?

My Tree Change

I have been fortunate to combine a sea and tree change. So I call it my Me Change. And I work online from here.

The sea change is out the front. The tree change is out the back. A bit different from major city life!

This is actually the estuary but the Great Southern Ocean is only 20 km to the right of our bay.

The story is that I can work the hours I feel comfortable with. If I get absorbed hours could pass. It doesn’t matter. I don’t have to go out, get in my car and drive home. Basically I can turn my computer off and in a few minutes be relaxed and away from work.

If you join with me, I can give you a helping hand to achieve this. You may be comfortable where you are but wouldn’t it be nice to make a choice to just pack up your laptop or similar device, on the spur of the moment and take a holiday.

You might even find a new place you would love to stay at for a while. Since your work is with you, you can do just that.

On the Beach, at a Lake or on a Mountain Top

Take a break. Have a swim.

Well where will you be working after you successfully fling off your current everyday requirements? Shut your eyes and picture, in your mind, the best place where you want to be. Think about how you can achieve this, because believe me you can. Have faith in yourself.

Yes there are several options but watch out for sand in your laptop, trout nibbling your toes or an avalanche carrying your hard work away. Just kidding!

I will welcome you when you join our great group of people. You will be given all the support you need to don your explorer hat.

Let Wealthy Affiliate help guide you to your trip around the world.

With eventual freedom to totally control your own life you can stay, go, return and enjoy life to the fullest.

Become a working traveller, just like me. And how do you do this? Read on my potential new friend.

How to become a Working Traveller.

The best place to start is with Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate (WA)) is one of the reputable groups who offer training to create yourself a productive website. The costs to run with WA don’t increase ever more rapidly as the add-ons don’t appear. There are a couple of extras but you don’t need them to be successful. They do help of course but it’s your decision on whether to obtain them. No pressure.

I believe the best place for you to start is to read my Wealthy Affiliate Review. This gives you an overview of what you get along with some nice little bonuses if you become a premium member.

Hopefully I will see you again when we meet in WA land. 



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  1. I agree that one of the benefits about working online, is being able to work anywhere in the world (as long as you have an internet connection).

    For me personally, my ideal place would be right next to a beach heading the waves crash against the shore — and being able to feel the breeze on my face.

    It sounds like rift now you have a very nice place set up as well where you work.

    Thanks for this post reminding us of just 1 I’d the many benefits we can get if we decide to pursue a job online.

    • Michael, thanks for your comment. We have some lovely beaches in Tasmania. Shame the water is so cold. If we drive about 2 hours (not really that far but the road is pretty poor and slow) we get to the furthest place south. And boy the big toe freezes if you dip it in the water.

      I have to choose my beaches as I hate fine sand that coats you. I found these, years ago, in New Zealand on one of our three day treks.

      There is nothing better than going to sleep with the sound of those waves; either as a gentle susurration or crashing.

      See you around.


  2. Great site. I do understand loving the water and wanting to work close to it.
    I live in south US in the woods. I go to the beach (about 3 hours away about once a month with no internet connection.)
    Your site definitely makes it enticing to quit to my full time job!

    • Hey Maureen, yes I love doing my own thing. I have always been lucky with my employed jobs and encouraged to make my own decisions. My last job was very interesting but the boss did his own thing and often walked roughshod over all our thinking. Usually ending up in a mess that we then had to fix.

      I got pretty fed up with this, but fortunately I never had to make a decision about leaving as circumstances terminated this job; so I was free. The circumstances were the Global Financial Crisis and our subsequent collapse of the Construction Industry. The result, no future works coming up. The only people who came out well after this collapse appear to be the ones who caused it.

      I hope you are enticed enough and committed to working hard for yourself. The benefits online are NO OVERHEADS nor wasted travel time. These are the killers in the so called bricks and mortar businesses.

      Thanks for your comment.


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